Penguin Experience

14th - 16th July 2010

Experiencing little blue penguins (Korora) in North Taranaki

60 Springs is offering a 3-day penguin workshop involving 8 students (Year 9 -11) selected from around Taranaki, New Zealand. The workshop will involve a variety of presentations, activities, problem solving and an overnight stay at a local beach.

Students will get to work with Philippa Agnew (marine biologist from Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony), Jenny Lynch (Places for Penguins, Wellington), Mark Meyburg (RSNZ teacher fellow) Elise Smith and Barbara Hammonds (Nga Motu Marine Reserve Society).

This blog will follow the students over the 3 days providing updates of what they get up to on their penguin experience starting 14th July 2010.

Photos: Mark Meyburg; Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The public survey - Day 1

Day 1:

The Penguin Experience kicked off with us all conducting a survey on dog behaviour and attitudes. We experienced mixed results as people assumed we were telemarketers. Our attempts to interview people weren't recieved well. People saw us with our clipboards and turned around, crossed the roads, or held up a hand to clearly signal a dislike of survey. However, we decided to head to the Pet Essentials shop in the Richmond Centre, where Gym, Cafe, and Pet Shop goers had plenty to say about the state of the dog behaviour and attitudes in Taranaki. People saw things in many different shades of lights, and readily shared their opinions with us, in interesting and engaging discussions. The points of view were very varied, and we learnt a lot more through peoples opinions than we would have if we had not conducted the survey.

We achieved our projected number of twenty surveys in an hour, and we were rightly pleased with our efforts.

By Hannah Mackenzie, and Cavaan Wild.

Photos by Adrienne Nightingale

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